Friday, April 8, 2016

" True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right" 

-Brigham Young  

this is a short quote but with a very big meaning. what this is trying to  say is that you can do anything you want as long as you always choos the right. like lets say your trying to go to a movie theaters with your friends and if you werent choosing the right and you were schoosing the wrong you will loos e your freedom and you will not go out at all. so thats why you always choose the right or else you will not have any freedom  at all. people who  choose the wrong get bad consqeuences liek not go out and hang out and if there really doing bad stuff there proboably in jail with they have no freedom at all becuase they didnt choose the right and they will regret it in there heads there like gosh i should of chose the right.

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